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COVID-19 Resource Page

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The NEACSM has curated a collection of web-based tools, resources, and articles that may be useful to Chapter members navigating the many challenges unique to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.

Have some ideas for additional resources or topic areas that you'd like to see here? Fill out this survey to send us your suggestions.


Discussion Board

Disruptions to Ongoing Research Projects

Online Teaching

Online Learning


Communication and Collaboration

Work/Life Balance

Mental and Physical Health

Virtual Exercise Training

NEACSM COVID-19 Resource Group and Discussion Board

70% of NEACSM survey respondants indicated that they would find an interactive resource page valuable. Please join this private group, which we hope will facilate resource sharing, advice from peers, social connectivity, research/statistical related Q+A, career advice, peer review, writing groups, virtual defense announcements, and more!

Disruptions to Ongoing Research Projects:
The Epidemic – Pandemic Impacts Inventory (EPII)

Developed by UConn Health trauma researchers, EPII is a newly developed measure designed to learn about the impact of the coronavirus disease pandemic and future epidemics and pandemics on various domains of personal and family life, including work, home, social, economic, wellbeing, and physical. Researchers are welcome and encouraged to use the EPII in their research studies.

How to Create an APA Style Reference for a Canceled Conference Presentation

Authored by APA, this resource page details how to properly reference an accepted presentation on their CV when the conference has been canceled.

Preserving Clinical Trial Integrity During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Authored by McDermott, MM and Newman AB, this Viewpoint in JAMA Network is a thought-provoking article that highlights the many unique considerations in continuing, discontinuing, or modifying active clinical trials during a global pandemic. 

Guidance for NIH-funded Clinical Trials and Human Subjects Studies Affected by COVID-19

Issued by the NIH, this notice provides guidance outlines potential measures researchers should take to protect participants and research staff, emphasizing that all researchers consult with their respective IRBs for institutional specific guidance.

Writing Techniques for the Socially Distanced Grad

Authored by UCal Riverside, this article provides valuable information on writing techniques for socially-distanced and quarantined individuals.

Graduate Studies and Campus Closures

Authored by a third year graduate student, this article details the personal difficulties and uncertainties graduate students face when graduate school projects and timelines are drastically disrupted. The author offers other graduate students in the same boat validation and a sense of comradery, but also reflections on the silver lining opportunities this unique situation might afford graduate students.

Online Teaching:
ACSM Faculty Resources for Virtual Teaching

ACSM is dedicated to supporting the quality of education in exercise science and sports medicine. A variety of resources are available to faculty members and those who have adopted ACSM books as classroom material. In addition, ACSM has created a Facebook group for faculty to exchange best practices, resources and more to help educators at all levels to be successful.

University of Connecticut Academic Continuity

Instructor strategies and suggested ways to accomplish key tasks and address common challenges to remote online delivery, including articles and additional resources on topics including, moving a lab course online; coping with trauma; and building community in asynchronous online courses.

Building Community in Asynchronous Online Courses

Authored by Duke University, this article provides helpful tips on course expectations, organizing and managing online discussion forums, and considerations for pre-recorded versus live classes.

MERLOT Simulation Collection

The MERLOT collection of Open Educational Resources (California State University) includes thousands of free simulations on a broad range of topics. The database is searchable by keyword, and each item in the collection provides details including material type, authorship, brief description, peer review rating, and user rating.

Accessibility in Online Instruction: 10 Tips for Educators

Authored by the National Deaf Center, this article overviews ten tips that can help educators make sure that everyone has access to the same course content during these challenging times.

Teaching Remotely with Zoom: FAQ and Instructions

Authored by the Harvard Office of Communications, this resource is an exhaustive “how-to” on how to set up, use, and optimize virtual lessons using Zoom.

Tips and Tricks for Educating on Zoom

Authored by Zoom, this two-page handout provides tips and tricks for conducting virtual lessons, including an overview of additional tools built into Zoom for engagement, and additional resources/webinars.

Online Learning:
Strategies for Getting the Most Out of An Online Class

Authored by Northeastern University, this article provides seven tips for developing skills for effective online learning.

How to Stay Organized While Taking Classes Online

Authored by Villanova University, this article provides tips to help students manage their learning environment.

Coping with Coronavirus

Authored by the Chronicle of Higher Education, this special collection provides eight unique articles on how faculty members and mentors can best support students in traumatic times. Topics include, but are not limited to fatalism, how to help a student in a mental health crisis, and why it is essential to emphasize human interactions in teaching. 

Coronavirus: Mentoring and Advising Practices

Authored by UC Davis Graduate School, this brief article provides several resources to help faculty and staff to adjust to advising online.

Remote Working: Setting Yourself and Your Teams Up for Success

This LinkedIn professional development page curates 13 hours of expert-created content on topics ranging from how to effectively work remotely, assess and develop the skill of resourcefulness, build resilience, mange stress for positive change, and manage virtual teams and meetings. 

Communication and Collaboration:
7 Powerful Tips for Highly Productive Online Meetings

Authored by, this article expands upon seven tips that can be implemented immediately to facilitate a more productive online meeting.

How to Collaborate Effectively If Your Team is Remote

Authored by Harvard Business Review, this article summarizes common barriers and facilitators for effective communication among members of a remote collaboration or team.

Digital Tools for Researchers

Authored by Connected Researchers, this landing page provides a collection of digital tools designed to help researchers share citations, data, bookmarks, notes, etc.

Citation Management and Writing Tools: Research & Collaboration

Authored by MIT Libraries, this webpage provides resources for collaborative writing, reading, organizing, annotating, and storing shared files. 

How to Start a Writers Group

Writing in isolation can be a lonely endeavor, however, digital writing groups can provide mutual accountability, feedback, and social connection. This article provides several tips on starting a writing group of your own.

Work-Life Balance:
COVID-19 Erases Line Between Work and Home, Professors Learn to Teach Remotely While Watching Their Kids

Authored by The Chronicle of Higher Education, this article highlights the many struggles of teaching from home with children and emphasizes the importance of focusing on what we can control. 

7 Essential Tips for Working From Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Authored by The Muse, this article provides seven excellent tips on how to optimize your home work environment to be productive while maintain mental well-being.

Mental and Physical Health:
NEACSM Radio on Spotify

Curated songs guaranteed to pick you up from our very own membership! There is something for everyone, from Bill Withers, LCD Soundsystem, and everything in between. Please check it out, add your favs, and enjoy!

Staying Physically Active During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This ACSM landing page provides many resources to help individuals stay physically active at home, including a companion Rx for Health Series handout.

Some Advice for PhD Students and Their Mentors in the Time of Coronavirus

Co-written by a PhD student and faculty member, this balanced blog provides excellent dialogue on the importance of, and strategies for, maintaining mental health, productivity while social distancing.

Stress & Coping

This CDC resource page offers valuable tips and resources for individuals, communities, families, and first responders on strategies to cope with stress and prioritize behavioral health during an infectious disease outbreak.

Virtual Exercise Training 
A Guide for Personal Training and Staying Healthy During the Coronavirus

This NASM landing page is a compilation of information on topics such as how to virtually train and bill clients/patients remotely, motivating clients with social media and wearables, bodyweight exercises or workouts at home with minimal equipment, techniques to reduce anxiety, and many more additional free resources. 


Coverys Resource Center

Authored by Coverys, this resource page provides several valuable articles and resources surrounding risk management, including form templates that may be adapted to fit the needs of clinicians, trainers, or researchers providing telemedicine services. 

Disruption to Ongong Research Projects
Online Teaching
Online Learning
Communication and Collaboration
Work-Life Balance
Mental and Physical Health
Discussion Board
Virtual Exercise Training

The New England Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine

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