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2023 Fall Conference

"Back to the Future:
Forging Future Horizons through History"

October 12-13, 2023
MassMutual Center
Springfield, MA

Conference Quick Links
Claim CECs
Conference Program - Updated 10.10.23
Instructions for Claiming CME Credits

Onsite registration is available on both Thursday, October 12 and Friday, October 13.
See all the details of the program - from fantastic speakers to exciting competitions - in our conference materials linked below: our program schedule and free communications abstract booklet.
Conference Description
The title of this year’s conference is “Back to the Future: Forging Future Horizons through History.”  2023 will mark NEACSM's 50th anniversary: 50 years of being the leading resource in the New England region for exercise science, sports medicine, health, and fitness information. For our 2023 Fall Conference, we will be highlighting changes over the past 50 years, showcasing our successes and examining our challenges. We will also continue to identify the best practices and most promising scientific advancements that will allow us to face future challenges, making this year's meeting a very special commemorative occasion.
The focus of this year's conference is to recognize and celebrate the significant progress we have made in sports medicine over the past half-century. By highlighting these achievements of the past 50 years, we aspire to allow our history to serve as an inspiration for future breakthroughs and push the boundaries of the knowledge in our diverse disciplines. Commemorating 50 years of breakthroughs also serves to raise public awareness about the importance of our work and build public trust in our communities. Finally, this occasion will allow us to celebrate and honor the contributions of the researchers, practitioners, and educators, who have dedicated their lives to advancing exercise science and sports medicine knowledge to improve health and fitness.
This conference will display and celebrate the remarkable work conducted regionally, nationally, and internationally to propel human health and well-being.

Interested in volunteering with the NEACSM? Fill out our Volunteer Interest Form here.

Take the NEACSM DEI Survey. We want to hear from you! Tell us your experiences with diversity, equity, and inclusion in the NEACSM and in your field.

Exhibitors & General Session Sponsors

Thank you to our
Fall Conference Sponsors!

President's Partner

ATSU Logo - Conference Partner.png

Keynote and Invited Speaker Partners

Marist DPT logo - Conference Partner.jpg
Springfield College_Master Logo_Final.jpg
TeamBuildr Logo - Conference Exhibitor.png
CCSU Keynote logo.png

Conference Exhibitors and Contributors

Logan University logo - Invited Speaker Sponsor - Lewis.jpg
Perform Better.png
UMass Amherst Logo - Con Exhibitor.png
UMass Boston Logo - Conference Exhibitor.jpg
UNE logo - Conference Exhibitor.png
ParvoMedics logo - General Sponsor.JPG
URI - INP Logo - Con Contribu.png
URI kin logo - General Sponsor.jpg
SCSU logo - Con Exhibitor.png
Palmer College of Chiropractic logo - Con Exhibitor.jpg
Northeast College of Health Sciences logo - Con Exhibitor.jpg
Delsys logo - Con Exhibitor.png
SHU Logo - Con Exhibitor.jpg
XSENSOR_Colour_BlackVerticalLockup_Logo - M Gabriela B..png
YNHH Logo - Jennifer Moon.jpg
+AMTI logo - Con Contributor.jpg
MicheliCenter_Logo - General Session sponsor - Gallo and Ronai.png
+Western New England logo - Con Exhibitor.jpg
+Colby Sawyer College logo - Con Exhibitor.jpg
+Univ of VT Con Exhibitor logo.jpg
+Plymouth State Univ logo - Con Exhibitor.jpg
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